Start Smart with OneNote 

Organize notes easily! Share with friends for group study. 

Save Everything on OneDrive 

Never lose files again. Click photos, make PDFs, study anywhere! 

Plan with TickTick 

Manage tasks like a pro. Don't forget deadlines, stay on track. 

Grow Focus with Forest 

Less phone, more study! Save trees, score grades. 

Organized with Notion 

Notes, tasks, and budgets in one place. Upgrade your study game! 

Learn Globally with Coursera 

Short courses from worldwide experts. Boost your degree now! 

Quick Help with Brainly 

Stuck on homework? Get fast answers with AI & real experts! 

Scan Docs with Adobe 

Snap, edit, PDF! Turn any document into study material. 

Wake Up with Alarmy 

Miss no class! Solve puzzles to silence your morning alarm. 

Budget Easily with Money Manager 

Track your spends, save money. Financial freedom for students! 

Eat Right with HelloFresh 

Tasty meals made easy. Focus on studies, not cooking!