A Game-Changer in the Fight for Clean Air

Delhi-NCR's air pollution may soon meet its match with a groundbreaking solution – artificial rain through cloud seeding!

Image Credits: IqAir.com

Pollution Reaches 'Severe Plus' Category

As Delhi's air quality hits 'severe plus' levels, stringent curbs under stage IV of the response plan are implemented.

Image Credits: The Guardian

IIT-Kanpur's Innovative Approach

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur has developed a game-changing approach to tackle Delhi's pollution problem – 'artificial rains' through cloud seeding.

Half a Decade in the Making

IIT-Kanpur's dedicated team has been tirelessly working on creating the ideal conditions for artificial rains for over five years. 

Government Approval

Securing government approvals, including the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), is a significant milestone.

Challenge of Meteorological Conditions

Artificial rain depends on specific meteorological conditions, such as suitable clouds, moisture and winds.

Bureaucratic Hurdles

Obtaining multiple approvals, including DGCA, Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Special Protection Group, is vital to fly aircraft over the national capital

Delhi's Winter Action Plan

Delhi's government gears up for cloud seeding as part of its winter action plan to combat air pollution. IIT-Kanpur plays a pivotal role.

Temporary Relief for Residents

An IIT-Kanpur professor, explained that artificial rains could provide temporary relief for up to a week to suffering Delhi-NCR residents.

A Glimpse of Hope

With artificial rain on the horizon, there's hope for cleaner air in Delhi-NCR. Stay tuned for the latest developments in this game-changing battle.