Level 3

Blue Rings

Level 1

Blue Rings

Level 4

Blue Rings

"Keep It Easy!" 

"Use KISS - Keep code simple. Easy to understand is best!" 

Blue Rings

"No Copy-Paste!" 

"DRY stands for Don't Repeat Yourself. Use loops, not copies." 

Blue Rings

"Ready for Changes!" 

"Code should welcome new things but not need changes." 

Blue Rings

"Mix, Not Extend!"

"Better to combine small parts than to build on big ones." 

Blue Rings

"One Job Only!" 

"Each part of your code should do just one thing." 

Blue Rings

"Split It Up!"

"Break your project into pieces that don’t mix."

Blue Rings

"Just What You Need!"

"Don't add extra. Code only what’s necessary." 

Blue Rings

"Help Your Future Self!"

"Write notes in your code. They'll guide you later." 

Blue Rings

"Make It Better!"

"Look at your code again. Find ways to improve it."

Blue Rings

"Clean Code Wins!"

"Clear and simple code is the goal. It's best for all."